Preschool at The Children's Farm A Unique Learning Experience
The preschool at The Children’s Farm is a half-day program for children ages 3 and 4. We emphasize fostering the child’s intellectual, social, physical and emotional growth, using the farm animals, garden and nature as the learning environment.
Our preschool classes use the outdoor farm setting in conjunction with our indoor classroom to provide a unique learning experience. The curriculum is designed to allow children to gain confidence through many opportunities for success, to learn concepts through seeing, feeling and doing in a real environment, and to grow cognitively, socially and emotionally through sharing, planning and talking in small groups guided by our highly qualified teachers.
Our many acres of fields and woodlands surrounding the core farm area provide a diversity of ecosystems which the children discover and explore through guided group hiking experiences. Along with this environmental exploration, children develop physical self-confidence, curiosity, and problem-solving skills.
Small classes with certified teachers allow the consideration of each child’s abilities and interests. Consistent classes through the school year promote friendships and developing social skills.
Please see our Philosophy and Objectives for more information.
*The Children’s Farm is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation. It admits students of any race, color, gender, socioeconomic status and national or ethnic origin. Children with disabilities are welcomed. We are committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect in an honest, open, fair, and friendly manner.
Preschool Schedule
- Tues / Thurs • 9:00-11:30 AM
- Tues / Thurs • 12:15-2:45 PM
- Mon / Wed / Fri • 9:00-11:30 AM
- Mon / Wed / Fri • 12:15-2:45 PM
Photo by Katie Haslam
Frequently Asked Questions
Year-round and seasonal opportunities for playing in and exploring nature are endless at The Children’s Farm. Activities include feeding and caring for animals; hiking in our surrounding woods and fields; harvesting vegetables, corn and pumpkins from the garden; creating a winter bonfire; exploring ice-covered ponds; planting seeds; gathering eggs; and learning how to ride the pony.
Our preschool program also incorporates creative art and music; cooking and food preparation; as well as group and individual learning experiences.
Children come for 2.5 hours in the morning or in the afternoon. We do not offer extended day times.
Children with severe allergies involving Epipens can ONLY be accommodated in our school-year pre-school and the Adult & Child Together classes.
Due to the outdoor nature of the summer program, we are unable to accommodate children who require Epipens.
Children must be 3 by September 1st to start preschool here with a few exceptions if your child’s birthday is close to September 1st.
If your child is 5 by September 1st and they have not been attending preschool here prior to that year, we do not offer enrollment. Children who have been attending preschool here are handled on a case by case basis.
If your 5 year old child has been to Kindergarten then they would take school age classes. If your child has not been to Kindergarten, then they take preschool age classes UNLESS you chose to keep them back a year – then call and discuss with us.
We are limiting adult/child together classes to one session per season.
We ask that one adult attend with each child but one adult can bring two children.
Parent involvement is encouraged through parent visiting days, parent-teacher conferences and parent use of the classroom observation window. In addition, a parent orientation night, parent discussion meetings, a spring Open Farm, and class picnics are offered.
Reach out to us the October, November or December before the following school year (the year you are interested in) to schedule a time to visit. We do not maintain waiting lists in advance of school beginning. Registrations are accepted from mid-January through mid-February and are used for a drawing February 15th to fill any available spots.